The Reggio Emilia Philosophy

Named after its birthplace in Italy, this approach has gained worldwide recognition as best practice for its unique vision of early childhood education, recognising that the child, parent, community and environment
are all essential to the learning process through the early years.

Nido Scarborough 110
RIVERTON NIDO 161 scaled e1697158915254
NIDO PAL29 scaled e1696906888118
Educational Philosophy center

The Nido Philosophy

  • Each child has the right to make choices in regard to their learning and should feel a strong sense of well-being.
  • As the environment is the ‘third teacher’, it is essential that our physical spaces are set up to encourage engagement and exploration.
  • The environment should reflect both our love of nature and views on sustainability.
  • Building relationships with families and encouraging a high degree of involvement is key.
  • Learning is ongoing and we constantly seek to develop our own knowledge to offer richer experiences to our children.