Nido joins Early Childhood Career & Workforce Expo

Nido joins Early Childhood Career & Workforce Expo

As the Early Childhood Education and Care sector in Australia continues to face the challenge of staff storages, Nido is working hard to attract potential employees, offering great benefits and opportunities for career progression. Last month, our team from Victoria joined The Geelong, Bellarine, Surf Coast Early Childhood Careers and Workforce Expo, where they had great conversations with prospective candidates looking to join the sector.

Rachel Betts, Nido People and Quality Leader in Victoria explains: “If we are good at one thing, it’s chatting about the wonderful joy and responsibility that comes with being an Early Childhood Educator. Also hearing about how our trainees from the region have made such a positive impact on the Registered Training Organisation who visit our services, was a particular highlight for me!”

Nido believes not only in learning for our children, but also aims to bring learning to life for our employees too. Nido has strong leaders, all trained to support, mentor and coach to reach your best potential. Nido also offers great work-life balance, above the award pay for everyone and much more. If you’d like to find out more about careers at Nido head to our website.